Vorox, softback supplement for Fading Suns


Vorox, softback supplement for Fading Suns

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Vorox, softback supplement for Fading Suns

“A Vorox stands nearly 10 feet tall, bristling with six limbs (each usable as a hand or foot), a full set of fangs, a superb sense of smell, and an uncouth attitude which gets worse the hungrier it gets. Noble Vorox (and their untamed cousins in the wild) even bear poison claws capable of paralyzing prey in mere minutes. What’s more, Vorox travel in packs.

And they’re still not the premier predators on their homeworld. Ungavorox is one of the universe’s most inhospitable places — even the flowers are carnivorous. With such dangers constantly hanging over their heads or waiting from below their niches in the trees, it’s no wonder the Vorox quickly developed sentience and a tight-knit society.

The Vorox book takes a close look at these fascinating sentients and the ecosystem that spawned them. From the swift but small Chidwit bird to the carnivorous Jud-joob tree, the Vorox’s plant and animal neighbors are detailed in all their fatal glory. It is impossible to understand the Vorox mind without first knowing the beings that helped to forge it. Also includes: Vorox history, culture, geography, weaponry, new combat actions and character roles.”

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